HTC EVO cell phone 4G Based on the Android by sprint - Collaboration between Sprint and HTC, the two recently announced "EVO HTC 4G" which is the newest HTC Android-based 3G/4G mobile phone. HTC EVO 4G is basically a version of the HTC Android HD2 with additional support for high-speed WiMAX network. The phone is apparently supported by the presence of Qualcomm's Snapdragon QSD8650 1GHz processor (while the CDMA version of QSD8250 Snapdragon HD2 found on HTC phones, HTC Desire, Nexus One, Toshiba TG02, etc.).
As Sprint's first 4G mobile phones, superphone supports EV-DO Rev, 3G and 4G WiMAX network. This phone is equipped with touch screen features large-sized 4.3-inch, 8 Megapixel camera, 1.3 megapixel camera located on the front for video calling, GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth and microSD card slot. 4G Superphone berkecapatan this 1GHz running OS 2.1 with HTC's Android UI and Sense of Google's mobile services, including the Android Market.
HTC 4G phones capable of 720p HD video recording, and with the support of 4G network users can share high-quality video with friends in real time via Qik or upload it to facebook or YouTube. Other features include promoted superphone 3.5 mm jack, HDMI output, digital compass, motion sensor and an approaching object, integrated kickstand and the ability to pitch-to-zoom. And 4G mobile HTC EVO this plan will be soon on the market in the summer of 2010. We'll just wait its action.
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Rooney absent until the End of season
Munich - Bad news for Manchester United. Wayne Rooney is reportedly absent playing until the end of the season, due to a right ankle injury suffered at the headquarters of Bayern Munich, Allianz Arena, early this morning.
Scored United's opener, when a new game berlangusng one minute, apparently was not enough for Rooney to deliver The Red Devils brought home three points. 24 years bombers had to be led out the field, after the match ended with the score 2-1 to Bayern's victory.
As reported in The Sun, Wednesday (31/3/2010), Rooney will undergo an MRI scan today local time, arriving in Manchester from Munich. Coach Sir Alex Ferguson hopes Rooney suffered an injury which will not be long.
However, judging by the ligament injury that also hit, the former Everton retainer is expected to miss approximately six weeks ahead, or the means to end the season 2009/2010.
No cover possible, the striker who was called Wazza is not strengthened United, when Bayern entertain at Old Trafford, to melakoni second leg Champions League quarter-final. In fact, the Premier League defending champions should be silenced his guest if you want to qualify for the semis.
Scored United's opener, when a new game berlangusng one minute, apparently was not enough for Rooney to deliver The Red Devils brought home three points. 24 years bombers had to be led out the field, after the match ended with the score 2-1 to Bayern's victory.
As reported in The Sun, Wednesday (31/3/2010), Rooney will undergo an MRI scan today local time, arriving in Manchester from Munich. Coach Sir Alex Ferguson hopes Rooney suffered an injury which will not be long.
However, judging by the ligament injury that also hit, the former Everton retainer is expected to miss approximately six weeks ahead, or the means to end the season 2009/2010.
No cover possible, the striker who was called Wazza is not strengthened United, when Bayern entertain at Old Trafford, to melakoni second leg Champions League quarter-final. In fact, the Premier League defending champions should be silenced his guest if you want to qualify for the semis.
Lehman will Retire End of the season
Lehman will Retire End of the season - Over the last few months, the future of Lehman raises a question mark German media. Considering his no longer young (40), many parties indicated Lehman would soon leave the field.
Allegations were proven right. Former Arsenal goalkeeper clearly explain if he will finish his professional career with Die roten, end of season 2009/2010.
"I would hang my shoes and my gloves at the end of next season. That is a result of the whole family," he said as quoted by Sky, Wednesday (31/3/2010).
Lehman is expected to be melakoni laga kala Stuttgart pamungkasnya with Christian Gross's squad to face besutan Hoffenheim in the Bundesliga last day, May 8 next.
Born 10 November began his career at Schalke 04 and perform as many as 274 times with a club that is now handled Felix Magath. Chance to play for AC Milan and Borussia Dortmund, the Lehman name shines while landing at the Emirates Stadium and costumed Gunners. He appeared in every Premier League match in which Arsenal won the 2003/2004 championship crown without ever tasting defeat.
Allegations were proven right. Former Arsenal goalkeeper clearly explain if he will finish his professional career with Die roten, end of season 2009/2010.
"I would hang my shoes and my gloves at the end of next season. That is a result of the whole family," he said as quoted by Sky, Wednesday (31/3/2010).
Lehman is expected to be melakoni laga kala Stuttgart pamungkasnya with Christian Gross's squad to face besutan Hoffenheim in the Bundesliga last day, May 8 next.
Born 10 November began his career at Schalke 04 and perform as many as 274 times with a club that is now handled Felix Magath. Chance to play for AC Milan and Borussia Dortmund, the Lehman name shines while landing at the Emirates Stadium and costumed Gunners. He appeared in every Premier League match in which Arsenal won the 2003/2004 championship crown without ever tasting defeat.
katherine heigl wardrobe malfunction video - katherine at youtube
katherine heigl wardrobe malfunction video - Katherine Heigl almost showed too much cleavage in a red dress at ShoWest in Las Vegas.

Katherine Heigl was at ShoWest on Thursday to accept the Female Star of the Year Award when her dress came undone, nearly exposing her left breast.
Fortunately for her but not for men everywhere, host Billy Bush was there, and he stood behind her to hold up the broken strap so she could finish her speech and protect her modesty.
Video :

Katherine Heigl was at ShoWest on Thursday to accept the Female Star of the Year Award when her dress came undone, nearly exposing her left breast.
Fortunately for her but not for men everywhere, host Billy Bush was there, and he stood behind her to hold up the broken strap so she could finish her speech and protect her modesty.
Video :
Tips berhenti merokok
Tips berhenti merokok - Rokok sudah menjadi bagian hidup bagi orang indonesia , malahan lebih baik tidak makan daripada tidak merokok Sebegitukah ampuhnya rokok sehingga membuat para masyarakat sangat ketagihan untuk mengkonsumsinya , Berhenti merokok adalah suatu yang harus di sosialisasikan agar semua orang tahu apa saja akibat dari merokok dan bagaimana dampaknya terhadap kesehatan manusia baik itu secara jasmani ataupun rohani, Betapa nikmatnya hidup jika tidaka ada penyakit yang menjangkiti tubuh kita ,pasti anda juga pernah merasakan bagaimana tubuh kita saat sakit , makanan yang saat sehat rasanya enak tapi kini dimakan saja rasanaya amat hambar dan tidak enak , lebih enak makan bubur yah :)
Tips berhenti merokok sudah banyak ditulis oleh para blogger lain , namun di sini saya hanya sharing pengalaman saya akan rokok dan bagaimana dampaknya terhadap kehidupan saya , dimulai dari masa SMA yang penuh kenakalan dan ketidak logisan , banyak bergaul dengan teman ( dalam konotasi teman yang agak nakal ) memang membawa efek yang kurang baik , hanya satu bulan bergaul sudah mencoba merokok bulan kemudian mencoba minum minuman yang mengandung alkohol lalu selanjutnya apa? saya pensiun karena sudah lulus , alhamdulillah masa tersebut tidak teralu lama sehingga tidak terjerumus ke masalah yang lebih dalamm lagi.
Karena pergaulan yang tidak begitu lama tersebut dampaknya terasa sampai saat ini , Berhenti merokok sudah saya coba namun hasilnya tetap sama saja ,alias nihil , lalu bagaimana dengan terapi hipnootis? terapi hipnotis untuk para perokok hanya berpengaruh pada sebagian orang saja dan tidak secara keseluruhan , tidak manjur menurut saya.
Lalu bagaimana Tips berhenti merokok yang manjur , nah beberapa bulan kemarin saya sangat disibukkan dengan pekerjaan , sampai sampai urusan apapun saya lupakan , hmm, termasuk juga merokok , Nah dari yang saya petik di atas adalah jangan sampai anda meluangkan waktu senggang anda sendirian dan juga jaga pergaulan anda agar bisa berhenti merokok, memang sangat sulit pada awalnya namun karena sudah terbiasa sehinga mudah untuk dilakukan.
Untuk dari segi makanan usahakan makan buah jeruk , yang agak masam juga boleh , lumayan buat obat merokok , saat pagi usahanak olah raga lari sehinngga perasaan ingin merokok itu bisa hilang seutuhnya , yang terakhir berikan sugesti pada diri anda sandiri dengan berkata " Saya bisa berhenti merokok !" nah , bagaimana selanjutnya , yah kita tunggu saja efeknya dari praktek di atas , jika kurang manjur mungkin bisa konsultasi dengan dokter atau ahli terapi lain. Yng penting adalah jangan sampai anda berhenti merokok karena bahan kimia, usahakan agar secara alami.
Tips berhenti merokok sudah banyak ditulis oleh para blogger lain , namun di sini saya hanya sharing pengalaman saya akan rokok dan bagaimana dampaknya terhadap kehidupan saya , dimulai dari masa SMA yang penuh kenakalan dan ketidak logisan , banyak bergaul dengan teman ( dalam konotasi teman yang agak nakal ) memang membawa efek yang kurang baik , hanya satu bulan bergaul sudah mencoba merokok bulan kemudian mencoba minum minuman yang mengandung alkohol lalu selanjutnya apa? saya pensiun karena sudah lulus , alhamdulillah masa tersebut tidak teralu lama sehingga tidak terjerumus ke masalah yang lebih dalamm lagi.
Karena pergaulan yang tidak begitu lama tersebut dampaknya terasa sampai saat ini , Berhenti merokok sudah saya coba namun hasilnya tetap sama saja ,alias nihil , lalu bagaimana dengan terapi hipnootis? terapi hipnotis untuk para perokok hanya berpengaruh pada sebagian orang saja dan tidak secara keseluruhan , tidak manjur menurut saya.
Lalu bagaimana Tips berhenti merokok yang manjur , nah beberapa bulan kemarin saya sangat disibukkan dengan pekerjaan , sampai sampai urusan apapun saya lupakan , hmm, termasuk juga merokok , Nah dari yang saya petik di atas adalah jangan sampai anda meluangkan waktu senggang anda sendirian dan juga jaga pergaulan anda agar bisa berhenti merokok, memang sangat sulit pada awalnya namun karena sudah terbiasa sehinga mudah untuk dilakukan.
Untuk dari segi makanan usahakan makan buah jeruk , yang agak masam juga boleh , lumayan buat obat merokok , saat pagi usahanak olah raga lari sehinngga perasaan ingin merokok itu bisa hilang seutuhnya , yang terakhir berikan sugesti pada diri anda sandiri dengan berkata " Saya bisa berhenti merokok !" nah , bagaimana selanjutnya , yah kita tunggu saja efeknya dari praktek di atas , jika kurang manjur mungkin bisa konsultasi dengan dokter atau ahli terapi lain. Yng penting adalah jangan sampai anda berhenti merokok karena bahan kimia, usahakan agar secara alami.
Cara cepat mencari backlink
Cara cepat mencari backlink - Sudah bisa di pastikan bahwa blog tanpa backlink adalah bohong belaka pasti nembak keyword dan habis setelah itu mencari backlink agar bisa nongkrong di baris depan pencarian google , bukan bermaksud menggurui karena blog ajuh ini juga masuh seorang nubie pemiliknya , tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan para master SEO yang telah memenangkan banyak sekali kontes dan loma yang ada di jagad internet ini.
Backlink bisa mudah didapatkan dengan berkomentar ria di blog dofollow , lalu setelah itu bagaimana? sebelumnya anda harus mempunyai list sendiri blog mana saja yang sesuai dengan blog anda ,lalu setelah itu tugas kita mencari halaman dari blog tersebut yang mempunyai pagerank , install dulu addon mozilla yaitu SEO quacke , nah tulis di google nah akan tampil halaman blog beserta dengan indeks google yahoo backlink dan juga google pagerank , kita tinggal meninggalkan komentar di blog tersebut , nah kita mendapatkan backlink gratis dari blog dofollow orang lain tanpa harus bayar , enak bukan?
Cara mudah mendapat backlink Selanjutnaya bagi anda yang mempunyai trafik gede dan ingin mendapatlkan backlink secara mudah maka tidak akan sulit , caranya kita tinggal mendaftar di topofblogs nah disitu kita pilih kategori yang sesuai dengan niche kita , setelah daftar maka anda disurruh pasang banner kecil di blog anda, pasang aja itu sekaligus traker berapa tafik kita perharinya :)
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Backlink bisa mudah didapatkan dengan berkomentar ria di blog dofollow , lalu setelah itu bagaimana? sebelumnya anda harus mempunyai list sendiri blog mana saja yang sesuai dengan blog anda ,lalu setelah itu tugas kita mencari halaman dari blog tersebut yang mempunyai pagerank , install dulu addon mozilla yaitu SEO quacke , nah tulis di google nah akan tampil halaman blog beserta dengan indeks google yahoo backlink dan juga google pagerank , kita tinggal meninggalkan komentar di blog tersebut , nah kita mendapatkan backlink gratis dari blog dofollow orang lain tanpa harus bayar , enak bukan?
Cara mudah mendapat backlink Selanjutnaya bagi anda yang mempunyai trafik gede dan ingin mendapatlkan backlink secara mudah maka tidak akan sulit , caranya kita tinggal mendaftar di topofblogs nah disitu kita pilih kategori yang sesuai dengan niche kita , setelah daftar maka anda disurruh pasang banner kecil di blog anda, pasang aja itu sekaligus traker berapa tafik kita perharinya :)
Kedua cara dii atas adalah teknik yang saya gunakan untuk mendapatkan backlink dari blog orang lain ,mungkin masih dalam tingkatan pemula karena masih butuh usaha keras untyuk mendapatkan backlink, semoga saja ada teman blogger lainnya yang mau men share pengalamannya dalam mencari backlink di kolom komentar di bawah ini.
How to be a successful businessman
How to be a successful businessman - Is something desired by many people, why did I say that, because people in the world need money to live, money is not everything but everything needs money: P, How to be successful? Implicit in my mind is how Akita successful learning in school and get a top ranking,after that until we arrived at home can help parents to be happy. It's thoughts like that once had over my life, but eventually I began to think a little bit wide, that are able to achieve ranking or IP is a pride in itself, but whether it can guarantee our future?
1. Why do we have to think more widely
The World is not narrow, many things that still need to learn, children who did not graduate elementary school can be successful only with the cricket business, and whether the ith enrolled continue to receive future financial security, even if we ant to know how to look for market opportunities can be made kok beromset big business, you've seen someone cassava successful traders? There was lhoh, cassava is made like fries at Mc donald, kept wrapped in nice, eh unexpected turnover owners now even billions per month.
2. Being successful is a choice
What if you are faced with a difficult decision, between the college by starting to build your business, your business records that need special concentration and could not run simultaneously with the activities of the lecture, which is required by the skilled labor market and be able to see market opportunities, honing skills more wild oats better than using an old people's money, if the fear of business interests and try to match the talent, you are good example of herb medicine, maybe you can mix your brand of traditional herbal medicine sendiri.Untuk was difficult at first, but if you already have regular customers do not need the money worry because it will flow by itself: P
1. Why do we have to think more widely
The World is not narrow, many things that still need to learn, children who did not graduate elementary school can be successful only with the cricket business, and whether the ith enrolled continue to receive future financial security, even if we ant to know how to look for market opportunities can be made kok beromset big business, you've seen someone cassava successful traders? There was lhoh, cassava is made like fries at Mc donald, kept wrapped in nice, eh unexpected turnover owners now even billions per month.
2. Being successful is a choice
What if you are faced with a difficult decision, between the college by starting to build your business, your business records that need special concentration and could not run simultaneously with the activities of the lecture, which is required by the skilled labor market and be able to see market opportunities, honing skills more wild oats better than using an old people's money, if the fear of business interests and try to match the talent, you are good example of herb medicine, maybe you can mix your brand of traditional herbal medicine sendiri.Untuk was difficult at first, but if you already have regular customers do not need the money worry because it will flow by itself: P
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