Well like that on the online business these tools I deifying: Blog, Landing Page, Keyword Research Tool, Web Design, Google adwords, Google Adsense, Affiliate etc.
These tools that will help us to achieve the goals, objectives come what fitness? Among them: Want a six pack, proportional body, macho, for healthy etc.Online business learn what purpose? Among them: Want free to work without a boss, want to work at home, want to buy houses cash, want to buy a car cash etc.
Usually at gym fitness club you'll be offered for choosing guide by instructor or not , exactly we chose using an instructor with someone guide us it make easy to build our body . Just like online business you need a guide to help you improve skill get money online .
Tools at gym just like online business tools , first week of training you will be introduced what are the function of each tools . a lot of them give up at first level i think that will be mistake because training can makes it easier to achieve our first goals "get money online"
resume from this article : On online business you need to know what tools that you needed , i suggested you look for good trainer that guide you until you get truly understand what you should to do to make money online.